Is the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare free? Nazi Zombies is a game mode found in Call of Duty: Wolrd at War, it was unlcoked after the player beat the campaign of the game. It was realesed on the following consoles/devices: Also a spin-off game was realeased for iOS devices (iPhone/iPod/iPad). The game released on Novemin North America and on Novemin Europe. Can you make a last stand from above or below? When did Call of Duty Nazi zombies come out? There are many entrances for the zombies to get inside and swarm you. The map takes place inside a building on a hill near a graveyard. An old World at War Nazi Zombies map by Zay. Nazi Zombie: Death is a mod for Call of Duty: World at War, created by Zay. Where are the Nazi zombies in World at war?